Check your appliances
If you’re looking to replace appliances that use water, such as dishwashers or washing machines. Look for products with the new water label and/or the Waterwise recommended checkmark as these models can help you to save water, energy and money.
Don't leave the tap running to clean dishes or vegetables.
A running tap uses six litres of water per minute. If you fill a washing-up bowl instead of running the tap you can reduce the amount of water you use. You can also order a kitchen swivel tap and save one litre of water per minute, plus you can direct the flow in any direction you want.
Fix leaking taps
Have a shower instead of a bath
Finally, don’t forget to turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
A running tap can use six litres of water per minute. By turning off the tap while brushing their teeth, a family of four could save up to £36 on metered water bills, as well as up to 17,520 litres of water a year.
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