We came up with the idea for the Fat Trap ® when we had a mishap at home.
After cooking Bolognaise for the family meal I drained the fat from the mince into the sink.
The sink then blocked up with the fat. We called a plumber who came out and unblocked the sink at a cost of £85.00........
We looked on the internet about blocked drains and the problems it can cause to internal waste systems in the home and the sewers. After finding that this issue was very widespread and caused many problems all over the country we contacted some of the water companies for their view on the problems.
Many people that dispose of such waste in this way are just not aware of the problems they may cause to the environment, the main sewerage system or their own treatment package plant / septic tank.
We then went onto to think more about the problem. and created a product that would make the disposal of such waste clean convenient and easy to use.
The Fat Trap ®!The Fat Trap ® was used as a Public relations tool, as a vehicle for a campaign that would raise awareness of all sewer wise issues and provide a consumer friendly alternative to pouring such waste down the sink.
After much investigation we found as well as causing nasty blockages that are costly and difficult to unblock, these blockages can cause the sewerage to overflow into Rivers, streams and even domestic dwellings.
In the event of a Bio Disc or Septic tank, oil and grease can suffocate the workings leading to major problems within these systems.
The water companies were very helpful and after many meetings with them, the Fat Trap ® was launched, firstly along with Yorkshire Water then to follow with Northumbrian Water, United Utilities, Wessex Water and Anglian Water and South West Water.
Severn Trent water, Thames Water Welsh Water all now place regular orders, along with councils, housing associations, holiday homes, septic tank companies, schools and landlords. General Enquiries
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